Mocking with democracy
I am writing two days ahead of Jigme’s second round of mocking with democracy. This in turn is not only mocking with the democracy, the sovereign power of the people to rule the country but mocking with himself knowing last days are nearer.
Bhutan promotes culture and heritage and the conservationist must also take into mind, hope he had done it, that a lamp in verge of extinction lit large. The royals in Sikkim had met with similar fate for denying respecting the voice of the people. The legendary monarch in Cooch Bihar has been tarnished of any further annuities from the central government and the monarch in Nepal is facing the last battle only to loose. Now the final point where khuru should hit is at wangchuks in Thimphu.
Jigme prompted terrorism in Bhutan. The first is the state terrorism and the second by dinning with ULFA in eastern districts.
Can anyone answer which is terrorism:
1. Term those demanding human rights as terrorists
2. Give shelter to militants and dine with them
Another phase of terrorism would arrive out of the present mockery. Everything has been carved from the Tashichodzong in the name of people. Thousands of people from the east have been denied citizenship and right to vote in the upcoming mockeries. People may not like voting to legitimise the terrorism of the Jigmes but our concern is they need to be treated as citizens.
This time, no doubt, the Jigme’s colour will win and then follows the course of Bhutanese politics. One of the parties has already designed its flag on yellow background with a galloping horse. This is religion politics.
The terrorist government has now brought several notices that religions should not be mixed up with the politics, religious personalities should not be involved in the politics. Has this regime remembered that religious had been the basis of its southern Bhutan operation in 1990 when the people from that area were forced out of the country reasoning they attacked the customs and traditions of the ruling elite?
Thousands of easterners were blown up, arrested, tortured after the attempted demonstration in 1997. This had forced the Jimes to reshuffle the aged-old cabinet and include sarchops into the cabinet as part of getting support of the eastern people. but only the cowardice have joined the wangchucks, sons of the land wait the days to raise the patang against the ruling regime. Jigme Y Thinley, thinly Jamtsho, Jigme Thulthrim, Jigme Singye (mostly jigmes which means ‘cannot afraid’) will no more be the rulers of this nation.
The jigme controlled media and foreign correspondents who have been permitted only in central and north-eastern parts of the country, only reports that people favour king continue his direct rule. Indirectly, this intends to transfer the power to palace showing the parties failing to meet the sentiments of the people and that people still wish king to rule.