Rights and individualism
The notion of the popular niche for democracy – by the people, for the people and of the people – is that the people should guide a democratic process for its longevity and sustenance.
As we move on to an open and liberal society, individualism gets highest priority. Every person has the right to adult franchise – right to cast vote and right to ask for votes. This is was has been the lapse in our constitution, likely to be adopted soon.
The constitution provides legal frame work only for two parties to contest the final round of elections. Logically, an individually, in no way can contest the preliminary round of elections for it has no meaning. The obvious reason to contest elections is to get elected into the parliament. The constitution bars this.
The constitution has contradictory provisions – it mentions the protection of rights of individual citizen and obliges him or her to involve in overall development of the nation. Thus, it has become essentially necessary that an individual must get through the political indoctrination of a political party to fulfill one’s interest to serve the nation.
You cannot become a parliamentarian unless you choose a party and unless you appraise your party chief, getting tickets for contest is impossible. Finally, the constitution has screwed your right to individualism in favor of collective approach, which in most cases is guided by vested interests of power holders.
Democracy counts individuals over groups. Unless, individual’s interests are met, it would be unwise to claim that a community’s interests are met. Right to individualism is the most powerful tool for collective outcomes. Protect individual’s right!