RBP – defence force, civil department or corporation?

The parliamentary discussion on the police bill and decisions thereof left me in a state of confusion. I would like to put forward my quandary in the following areas for public opinion.

Administrative control
The parliamentary decision was to maintain it with the Ministry of Home Affairs but my own understanding of the Article 28 of the Constitution is that RBP would function under MOHA instructions only for law and order reasons and that the administration would remain with Defence.
It may be that in other countries the police function under the administrative control of the home ministry but should not we be concerned with the Bhutanese context only? From what I have seen, police functioning under civil authorities tend to be more susceptible to corrupt practices.
The RBP in Bhutan must be one of the cleanest police force in the world due to its affiliation with the defence forces and the discipline thereof.

If, however, my interpretation of Article 28 is faulty and RBP is now to be under MOHA, does it mean that the RBP is a civil department? If so, what are the titles to be accorded to the police personnel?
Will the Chief of Police remain the chief since he obviously is no longer the chief executive officer? Lt. Colonel, Major and such other ranks are titles that cannot be used by civilians as these titles are ranks and not titles by appointment as is the case of civilians. Are the RBP personnel now to be included under the purview of the BCSR and such, the RCSC?

Pay and allowances and benefits
If the RBP is now a civil department, its personnel must be equated to other civil servants.
Does this mean that the pay and allowances structure is now to follow the civil service? What about benefits like free housing, orderlies etc being enjoyed presently? Are all civil servants going to receive the same benefits? Are the benefits going to be taken away from the RBP? Surely, it must be one or the other as we cannot have a completely new status just for RBP!
What is the Police Promotion Board about? Does the maintenance of such an authority imply that the RBP is now a government corporation?

Thuji Nadik
Tourism Council of Bhutan

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