Parliament business on Wednesday
Parliament on Wednesday ratified two conventions – SAARC Convention on Environment and Convention on Anti Doping in Sports.
SAARC Convention is the product of the Thirteenth SAARC Summit (Dhaka, November, 2005) where the Leaders of the Member States called for considering the modalities for having a Regional Environment Treaty in furthering environmental cooperation among the SAARC Member States.
Convention on Anti Doping in Sports has been ratified to ban use of performance-enhancing drugs in sport mainly due to the alleged health threat of performance-enhancing drugs, the equality of opportunity for athletes, and the exemplary effect of “clean” (“doping-free”) sports for the public. Both these conventions were given passed by the National Council during last session.
The House also deliberated the Bhutan Institute of Medical Sciences Bill, 2011 following the motion moved by the Health Minister Zangley Drukpa for the Third Reading of the Bill. The deliberation on the Bill will resume tomorrow.