Of ‘people in the camps’
As expected, Bhutan restated its ‘fake’ commitment to the donor communities during the 11th Round Table Meeting in Thimphu that it is very much concerned for resolving the Bhutanese refugee issue.
The government informed the donors at the RTM that it has asked the Nepalese government to resume bilateral talks for solution of the prolonged crisis. However, the government has not given any time frame for resume talks.
The immediate excuse for Bhutan government not to involve in bilateral talks would be unavailability of the Nepalese ministers as they concentrate more on internal instability. Under no circumstances, it is feasible that Nepalese government is likely to sit for talks immediately. Furthermore, Nepalese government has greater advantage to send refugees abroad under resettlement than repatriating them to Bhutan.
Over the last three years of resettlement, local market in Nepal financially benefitted a lot. In one of my informal survey in Beldangi camp before moving west, I found at around NRs 200,000 enter Nepal each day from abroad. This is the highest earning any local market in Nepal earns from abroad.
For years, Bhutan absconded from its responsibilities. Now, it has good excuse for failing to repatriate its citizens since Nepal will not show up strongly.
Surprisingly, it was only Danish representative and the UN assistant secretary general who spoke about status of Bhutanese in exile and efforts underway for repatriation. The seven core countries have expressed to take some 80,000 while future of other 25,000 is still in dark.
A Danish representative said, “Bhutan would also benefit from seeing this issue resolved in particular when the government has demonstrated its wider interest in the global affairs and is seeking support for its candidature for non-permanent membership of the Security Council in 2013-14. A candidature Denmark is happy to support,” he said.
The UN Assistant Secretary-General, Dr Ajay Chhibber, also expressed willingness of his good office to be used to find prompt solution of the crisis, if requested.
No wonder, the government of Bhutan, in particular, the ruling party DPT will show its greater interest towards resolving the crisis. This is just to earn some points to win next election.
What if, Obama and UN approve a new law to be internationally passed in the future that will make mandatory for every voter to use digital electronic tools like cellphones, laptop etc. through any of the social business networking programs such as Facebook for voting , banking, job, education etc, allowing unrestricted UN / Governments access to the activities of every citizen of the ‘to be crime-free new world’ then, good citizens shall have nothing to fear but be happy to enjoy safety and freedom and bad citizens wouldn’t have no choice but become better!
When a single or a group of individuals becomes too caucious about privacy laws etc. it has surely something to hide.
If all they wanted is money, they got it and still can make it elsewhere like China, India, Pakistan etc. But for what? There hardly one can nitice signs of happyness or smiles in on their face. Why? Are there some mysterious CIA facts yet to be learned by global public? I honestly say: Kudos to the… more
If all they wanted is money, they got it and still can make it elsewhere like China, India, Pakistan etc. But for what? There hardly one can notice signs of happiness or smiles on their face. Why? Are there some mysterious CIA facts yet to be learned by global public? I honestly say: Kudos to the dysfunctional smartness of human brain including the negatively powerful side of it too, which can turn boredom into exitement to make societal living for all, a bit colorful for a while. What would be the world without mind boggling incidents but some groups unfortunately, having too much money at their disposal cannot smile as a natural expression of enjoying life.
Obama is blessed if he may continue smiling naturally as he is doing…..
Now a serious fact follows: Because of Media heads’ intentional or poor understanding of the scenes behind the scenes, up until now, the few heads in operating government powers confusingly undersood by the global Public as land pieces of Country-power which are in fact fake-powerful like parer-tigers; e.g. representing North Korea, Iran, Yemen, Bahrain, China, Pakistan, India etc. By the grace of Cosmic Creator the above are in serial for gradually becoming possible cosmic targets in an unprecedented “Non-violent, secularly occurring manner without usage of weapons by the opposition” of regime change after Syria. The Public of above pieces of lands should not feel threatened at all, as “Latest fashioned New kind of Politics will avoid old ‘Do or Die, Kill or be Killed etc. situations and strategies and must not cause anyone to perish by guns but monetary sanctions only; moreover, shall try to save old minded political leaders from being killed by the unwise mob-like portion of the agitated public or put on pre-determined dishonest trials.
The maximum non-capital punishment administered by UN’s ICC type totally unbiased body the failed leaders may receive is “with some conditions, “Suspended death sentences” for committing crimes against humanity. No territorial part of the mankind and /or proved good leaders (who dishonestly never blasts bombs and points at others like old style IAHs’ secret manner) are to be blamed for secularly occurring new ways of changes, rather all should praise the gift of greatness: the digital communication tool of Microsoft technology for making the change easier through awareness to the benefit of humanity on earth!We need not to believe anything that does not make common sense. The intuitive sense of mankind constantly getting sharper and can perceive what actually happening behind apparent scenarios, therefore, do not take blindly for granted whatever news the Medias broadcasts! Now, the first questions they got used to in asking is something like: ‘How do you know for sure who is claiming what? Dirty old style dishonest politics?However, all these prove that hereditary style transfer of ruler-ship has already become unpopular in the closely connected and digitally communicated public minds of the rapidly changing world!But I am glad that my Canada’s actual ruler: the Queen is wise enough not to make her hands dirty by doing any of the nasty things like the other small rulers do. I am so proud of her honesty and intellectuality! God bless her.
In third para ..”Nepalese government has greater advantage to send refugees abroad under resettlement than repatriating them to Bhutan”.
And forth para of last line….” I found at around NRs 200,000 enter Nepal each day from abroad. This is the highest earning any local market in Nepal earns from abroad”.
Does it mean, Nepal Gov’t is sending so called LOCALLY INTEGRATED Bhutanese Refugees (holding Nepali Citizenship, not known to UN & other agencies even by Bhutanese authority), to third country resettlement… those aiming to return back to Nepal in near future with handsome money to help Nepal’s economy?? or you mean to say that Nepal Government is sending these people abroad in the name of third country resettlement for boosting country’s remittance..??
Many a times Bhutanese government said/tried to convinced the International Gov’t that “People in the Camps” are those frequent migrant people who never stay at one place…. Wherever they find good opportunity, they keep going..”
Your assumption of 80,000 BR interested in third country resettlement reflects the fact uttered by RGOB… Some what it is coming true… Only few are genuine Bhutanese, announced by RGOB… Are they fall under these 25,000 BR group ?? Still in the Camp, longing to go back to homeland, Bhutan?? Will they be repatriated to Bhutan?? …. India is the biggest Donner country for Bhutan’s development activities/programme. Is it possible for Bhutan taking its citizens minus INDIA’s interest ??.