Bhutanese youngsters in Cairns (QLD, Australia) shine

By Tulsa Gautam

Students being awarded. Photo: Tulsa Gautam

The term refugee won’t make us go below the expectation of anybody around the world, we are not just refugee we are the lights of future. A new country, where we all came from different linguistic background, it is very tough to compete with those from English background and where English is very much compulsory.

We were supposed to speak less back in our education system – in refugee environment in Nepal. The education system of CARITAS Nepal was incredible to those who are now doing great jobs at school in different countries. Students who came from different linguistic background are struggling in Australia and in other different countries to keep the name and fame of the Bhutanese community, their parents, teachers, friends and family.

On 7th October 2011 Trinity Bay State High school had presentation night to congratulate and heartily honour those amazing students of the school in presence of School Teachers, Principal, President of the school-Steve O’Brien, parents, Councillor Kirsten Lesina, & Mayor Val shier. From the Bhutanese community there were seven students who were honoured in different subjects and fields they were studying and involved in for their outstanding achievements. These achievers were Keshab Gautam, Ramesh Gautam, Rajesh Gautam, Tenu Rijal, Chandra Monger, Tulasha Sanyasi and of course myself. It was a night of pride for Bhutanese here around.

I won endeavour awards gold certificate on cultural and community service. Additionally, being TAFE vocational student of the year 2011, I was given $200 course voucher for TAFE and $100 from the previous school. Keshab achieving his best on Accounting and certificate II in Business has shown what the students could learn from his achievement. Ramesh being awarded on Certificate II in Business and Information communication and technology studies has rocked up the night being an example that he learnt to use computers in Australia and now he is doing his best in Australia. Rajesh was awarded in Certificate II in Business with high level of school grading. Tenu Rijal was awarded for James cook University year 10 encouragement award and got cash award of $250. Chandra Mongar being awarded for her great effort in certificate II in business and Tulasha being awarded for foundational mathematics with high level of achievement.

Congratulations to the whole team and wish them all the best for their future endeavour. I along with Ramesh and Keshab are leaving school this year after graduating in Year 12 off to College and Uni for further education.

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