Bhutan Human Rights Report 2013
This is my first human rights report in series. In addition to regular press freedom reports, I commit myself in producing annual human rights report on Bhutan, henceforth.
This report brings in the issues of human rights violations, government’s effort towards promoting and protecting human rights of the citizens and gap/lapses seen between these. I endeavoured my energy to produce a qualitative and fact based issues for debates, discussion and policy formulation. This report neither intents to criticise government or any other third parties nor appreciates them but to find a balance and put in what has been there and what needs to be improved.
I welcome any suggestions, comments and criticism to make the report more accommodative, factual, unbiased and qualitative in future.
Read the whole report here
Good Report, but lacks some accuracy. some of the points are much better than it is highlighted in the report.
Also I have gone through the authors profile, and found it contradicting. You completed Bachelors in 2007 and masters in 2012, but you have shown that you were
Lecturer for MA (CJMC), Purbanchal University, Nepal from 2006 -2010. And also Lecturer for BA (CJMC), Purbanchal University, Nepal in 2010.
My question is how could you teach MA students from 2006-2010, when you did your MBA only in 2012. Are you bullshitting?
Dear DK Bhujel
Thanks for comments on my qualification and my teaching experiences. I know such things happen only rarely. But you can verify this from the CJMC college and its students of those years in Kathmandu.