Pema Gatshel

Jigmi Rinzin (Votes Received in 2007: 6,100 votes)
Jigme Rinzin, 41, resigned the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), where he was the Chief Investigating Officer in 2007 to join politics and got elected to National Council. He was Chief of Corporations & Financial Institutions Division, Royal Audit Authority (Jan. 2004 – March 2006), General Manager – Admin, Finance & Commercial (On Deputation from Royal Civil Service Commission and Royal Audit Authority), Kuensel Corporation (April 2002 – Dec. 2003) and Assistant Chief Auditor, Corporations & Financial Institutions Division, Royal Audit Authority (Jan. 2001 – March 2002)

Rinzin was the topper of the first B.Com (Honors) batch in Sherubtse College and stood third in civil service exams in 1994. He previously worked in the Royal Audit Authority (RAA) after completing his Chartered Accountancy from Emile Woolf College of Accountancy, London.

He was born on 18 June 1971 in Khothagpa, Shumar, Pemagatshel.

Pema Wangchuk
Pema Wangchuk from Nanong gewog, who has a master’s degree in law. He worked with Royal Civil Service Commission, Ministry of Education and Anti-Corruption Commission as legal officer for 8 years.

Sherab Jamtsho
Sherab Jamtsho is the nominee of Dechenling gewog in Nganglam dungkhag. He graduated in 2011 and worked with a private firm for a year, after which he spent another six months in his village.

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