Sarpang (Sarbhang)
Dhan Bahadur Monger
Losing in the last election to Karma Donnen has not deterred 33-year-old Dhan Bahadur Monger from re-contesting for National Council again.
Monger claims to “know” the issues concerning people in the district, has travelled to most the blocks and seen both problems and development.
From Dekiling block and the chief executive officer of Vision Soft Solutions, Dhan Bahadur Monger presents himself as a role model for the youth.
He has bachelor’s of science from Sherubtse College and a master’s in information technology from Chennai, India.
For him, international territorial security is a growing issue in Sarpang (Sarbhang).
Raghupati Subedi
Rangupati Suberi is a 2012 graduate from Sherubtse College in Kanglung last year. He has a bachelor’s degree in life science. Soon after graduation, Rangu Pati Suberi said he spent his time in village.
Rangu Pati Suberi, 27, from Lhayuel village under Chhudzom gewog in Sarpang, was a core supporter of one of the candidates who ran for the office in the first council election, but who fell short of the required number of votes to make it.
Rangu Pati Suberi claims to have been reading books on democracy while in school.
During his winter vacations, Rangu Pati Suberi said he worked as a roadside worker with his parents and was a certified mason as well.
Sonam Doeker
Dhan Kumar Basnet
Dhan Basnet has a master’s degree in international business from Australia. A local resident of Gelephu (Gaylegphug) is a graduate in education and has experience of six years of experience in teaching profession.
Ananda Rai
The 2006 graduate of Umshyrti College in Shillong, India, who also served as the chairman of the Getemkha village milk tshogpa, and worked as a petty contractor