Category: Economy

BCCI seeking legal identity after 31 years

After 31 years of its existence, the Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) felt the need to get a legal certification. The Annual General Meeting of the BCCI this week decided to push the agenda through upcoming parliament session in January to pass law which gives it a...

RMA circulation and economic rights

A recent notice from Royal Monetary Authority (RMA) the national financial institutions regulator, reads that Bhutanese citizens are not permitted to open back account out of the country. Though the RMA did mention it was just a notice of reminder, it came as a result of increasing trend among...

Second hand business-2

ShoeVival is organizing a social campaign called ‘HELP-SHOE BHUTAN. ShoeVival will clean and refurbish the shoes and distribute it amongst the people who cannot afford a decent pair of shoe. The beneficiaries are those living in villages and homeless. The purpose of this campaign are- 1. To provide basic...

Economic prospects of air services in Bhutan

Countries in the Himalayan range have greater advantage to use air services as means of transportation against land transport, thanks to mighty hills and deep valleys. The combined cost for construction of roads and other infrastructure to reach villages would easily equal to investment in air services. No exception,...

RTM and silent Diaspora

The first Round Table Meeting of the Bhutanese donors since the beginning of resettlement process is scheduled for Thursday and Friday in Thimphu. This is also the first RTM held by an elected government in Bhutan. UNDP is coordinating the event where some 40 development partners of the country...

The Economics of Happiness

by Jeffrey D. Sachs NEW YORK – We live in a time of high anxiety. Despite the world’s unprecedented total wealth, there is vast insecurity, unrest, and dissatisfaction. In the United States, a large majority of Americans believe that the country is “on the wrong track.” Pessimism has soared....