Seeking loan to pay loan:DPT
On Wednesday, the DPT leaders rushed to National Pension and Provident Fund seeking loans to pay their party as decided which they hope will erase party debt. The ruling party leaders intend to collect at least Nu 5.5 million through contribution of the party leaders. Each MP contributed Nu...
Cordyceps: low yield, high price
The cordyceps business has been in full swing in Bhutan currently. Bhutanese citizens, who prioritised cordyceps over local government elections, have returned with their dream plants to fetch the best prices. The enthusiasts were not shattered with their dream despite low yield this year, the prices have almost doubled....
Bhutan invites American tourists
Last year, Bhutan attracted over 41,000 tourists despite opposition from the traditionalists who fear wearing and tearing out of their cultures. And interestingly, the government, which is campaigning to welcome 100,000 tourists a year by 2013, increased the levy from $200 to $250 for some season. Yet, efforts seem...
No one wants to handle drug supplies
Shortage of drugs has badly affected the country in recent months. The situation is likely to worsen further in the coming days as the government failed to attract anyone to work as procurement office who will be in charge of the drugs supply. In two years time, none have...
What parliament achieved
The seventh session of the first parliament ended Friday. This time, leaders have better debates compared to past and worked little more on drafting and adopting laws. Many crucial issues have been looked into and bitter relations between the two houses have been normalised. Both the houses were ready...
भुटान प्रजातान्त्रिक भयो रे !
दोस्रो चरणको स्थानीय चुनाव सम्पन्न गरेर प्रजातान्त्रिक प्रणालीलाई मूर्तरुप दिएकोमा भुटानका मन्त्रि र राजपरिवार फुरुंग छन् अहिले । गत सोमबार दोस्रो चरण अन्तर्गत देशका २०५ ब्लक र ख बर्गका शहरमा चुनाव सम्पन्न भयो । ३ लाख ४७ हजार १ सय ३३ मतदाता मध्ये करिब ५५ प्रतिशतले मात्र मताधिकार प्रयोग...