Category: Human Rights

The story of civil disobedience

Mass gathering in moral sense seems to be a challenge for Bhutanese rulers – be it for any cause. Political gathering is most dangerous. Things have not changed much though mere announcements and procedures show the country has changed from absolute monarchy to a parliamentary democracy. Yet mind set...

Dreams are not always true

When resettlement started in February 2008, most exiled Bhutanese had expected their life to be luxurious with clear destiny in the new homes they are flying to in the western countries. Though offer for resettlement initially brought some irksome response from the refugee community, in later days, it was...

Phuensumgang CPS – The school of hard knocks

Senior citizens and children alike suffer and sacrifice at the altar of education 14 April, 2009 – A six-hour climb from Bhurchu, about 94 km away from Dagana proper, up on a hill, is Phuensumgang community primary school.  Except for the Lajab gewog office, RNR centre and BHU, there...

Bhutanese definition of human rights

In less than a year they adopted the democratic pattern of governance, which was in demand since 1950 in this country, the ‘experts’ who dined under the absolute rule of monarchy have defined what human rights is called in their terms.  Not awesome than usual twittering, these ‘experts’ said...

Strike cultures of Nepal

Strike is like a game in Nepal. No matter how grave is the issue, the only medium Nepalese people found for seeking decision in their favor is to call a strike. More recently, highway strike has become more popular than general.  The culture has started by political parties –...

भुटानी संसदमा नेपालीभाषी सांसद

आईपी अधिकारी दुई दशकपछि दक्षिण भुटानबाट नो अब्जेक्सन सर्टिफिकेट, विभेदकारी नीति र समानुपातिक विकासको अधिकारबाट वञ्चित बनाएको विरुद्ध आवाज उठेको छ । अनागरिकले मात्र भुटानका कानुनको विरोध गर्छन् भन्ने हिजोका शासकहरूलाई आफ्ना सबै प्रयासहरू देश र जनताले सहर्ष स्वीकार गर्दा रहेनछन् भन्ने आभास दलीय व्यवस्था स्थापनापछिका दिनहरूमा भएको हुनुपर्छ...