Category: Misc

Untimely death of a resettled Bhutanese in Launceston, Tasmania

On 13 July 2011 at 2.45 pm Mon Maya Rai of Launceston, Tasmania (Australia), resettled five months ago from Khudanabari camp sector C/1 hut number 12, has died at Launceston General Hospital at the age of 41 due to blood cancer and its associated health problems. She was admitted...

साताको खबर नेपालीमा

Bhutanese Association in South Australia (BASA) र अन्तराष्ट्रिय नेपाली साहित्य समाज (अनेसास) अष्ट्रेलियाको संयुक्त आयजनामा आइतवार एड्लेडमा एक विशेष कार्यक्रमविच १९८औ भानु जयन्ति मनाइयो । नेपाली र भुटानी समयदायबाट करिब ५० जना कार्यक्रममा सहभागि थिए भने १६ जना स्रष्टाले आ-आफ्नो रचना वाचन गरेका थिए । वाचनबाट उत्कृष्ठ ठहरिएको राजु...

Nature is cruel to Bhutan

Bhutan is undergoing an experience to loose in citizens in series of accidents in the last few days, either to natural hazards or not. Three people- a man, his wife, and their seven-year old child, have been killed in an accident at Bunagu on the Thimphu-Phuentsholing highway on Saturday...

साताको खबर नेपालीमा

गत सोमबार भुटानमा दोस्रो चरणको स्थानीय चुनाव सम्पन्न भएको छ । यसै वर्षको सुरुमा चार ठुला शहरमा चुनाव सम्पन्न भएको थियो । यस चुनाव पछि भुटानमा मत मार्फत प्रतिनिधी चुन्ने पहिलो अभ्यास पूरा भएको छ । ३ लाख ४७ हजार १ सय ३३ मतदाता मध्ये करिब ५५ प्रतिशतले मात्र...

Live younger ever

Nicknamed by researchers ” The Forever Young Drug;” Rapamycin has been created from a chemical found in the soil on Easter Island. Easter island is considered one of the remotest places on earth situated some 2000 miles off the coast of Chile. It was used on children suffrering from...