A new brand called ‘DEMOCRACY’ is in the market
This is not a wonder, if you think positively. In India, the nearest of all our alliance, the Gandhis-Nehru lineage should always come in the front. In Nepal, it is for the Koiralas. In Bangladesh, the privilege goes to Seikh and in Pakistan, the Bhuttos and their relatives. All...
Searching the disintegration plan
You might have wondered why the new posts on this blog are delaying. As I opened y mail there were three mails claiming that I lost my energy to write any more, other five urging for immediate new posts. The comments on the blog and in mail are excellent...
Interviews Across Time and Space: A useful manual for interviewing
Writer by interest, Ajit Baral has profoundly asserted in his new book ‘Interviews Across Time and Space’ that interviewing people is not as easy as we in the media usually take it to be. While working with media, interviewing skills are very much essential for journalists. The skill of...
Confidently! Towards another Sikkim saga
Sikkimization of this country was a talked issue for the last several years, to be precise exactly after Sikkim collapsed to be a part of grater India. But I wonder, why has it not been talked as Tibet-ization, fanning out its sovereignty to greater China. As China tries to...
Be declared anti-national!
“These things are not interesting and I don’t understand also,” Karma said, shrugging his shoulder, obviously a bit irritated at being dragged into the discussion. Till he found a job, Karma said, he was content watching movies and hanging out with his friends. He heaved his two shoulders as...
The gang-fight starts for republicanism
The king divided his allies into fragments in his ambitious plan to thwart the people’s movement for liberty, human rights and democracy. Mischievously, the master plan, the cliché would be road map as George Bush propounds, was intended to accumulate more powers for palace and the king though this...