नेपालीमा समाचार
भुटानको केन्द्रीय बैंकले भारतीय रुपया संचितीमा कमी आएपछि भारतसित हुने व्यापारिक गतिविधिमा रोक लाएको छ । तेल, कच्चा पदार्थ, सरकारी संस्थाले गर्ने आयात, औषधि र जिल्लामा सञ्चालित विकास गतिविधिका लागि चाहिने सामाग्री किन्न मात्र अब भारतीया रुपया पाइने छ । केन्द्रीय बैंकको निर्देशन पछि सबै बैंकहरुले यसलाई लागु गरिसकेका...
Bhutan Happiness Index: Buddhist Country Fails On Its ‘Gross National Happiness’ (GNH)
In a country that prides itself on measuring quality of life in terms of “Gross National Happiness,” this small Buddhist kingdom in the Himalayas seems to have a problem: at least half its citizens aren’t happy, according to its own measurements. While more than 90 percent of the 7,142...
Bhutan will be first country with expanded capital accounts
PM’s Thinley’s remarks at the Press Conference on February 10, 2012 while releasing the first Natural, Social, and Human Capital results of Bhutan’s New National Accounts Three decades after His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo made his now famous proclamation that “Gross National Happiness is more important that Gross...
नेपालीमा समाचार
भुटानको पारो शहरमा दुर्व्यसनीको लतमा लाग्ने युवा युवतीहरुको संख्या नाटकीय ढंगले बढ्न थालेको छ । गएको २ सातामा मात्र पारोमा ड्रग्सको कुलतबाट तीन जना युवाले ज्यान गुमाएका छन् । अरु २ जनालाई समयमै भेट्टाएकाले उपचार भयो र ज्यान बच्यो । कुलतमा लाग्नेहरु अधिकांश कलेज पढ्ने उमेरका युवा युवतीहरु छन्...
Bird and human safety
In the past few weeks, Bhutan experienced panic and havoc of uncontrolled spread of bird flu and anthrax at the same time. The bird flu detected in Chuka and Thimphu, the major route of the country’s trade, three days after the government lifted ban on import of poultry products...
The activism in Bhutan is almost absent. The monarchic psychology that all that’s done for public good is through government and that public has nothing to say or suggest still pass through the Bhutanese blood. It is first time that activism that’s related to monitor the government/bureaucracy activities is...