नेपालीमा समाचार
भुटानको केन्द्रीय बैंकले भारतीय रुपया संचितीमा कमी आएपछि भारतसित हुने व्यापारिक गतिविधिमा रोक लाएको छ । तेल, कच्चा पदार्थ, सरकारी संस्थाले गर्ने आयात, औषधि र जिल्लामा सञ्चालित विकास गतिविधिका लागि चाहिने सामाग्री किन्न मात्र अब भारतीया रुपया पाइने छ । केन्द्रीय बैंकको निर्देशन पछि सबै बैंकहरुले यसलाई लागु गरिसकेका...
Bhutan Happiness Index: Buddhist Country Fails On Its ‘Gross National Happiness’ (GNH)
In a country that prides itself on measuring quality of life in terms of “Gross National Happiness,” this small Buddhist kingdom in the Himalayas seems to have a problem: at least half its citizens aren’t happy, according to its own measurements. While more than 90 percent of the 7,142...
Voice of Shangrila 4 March 2012
Voice of Shangrila 4 March 2012...
Yuba Sansar 4 March 2012
Yuba Sansar 4 March 2012...
Sambridhiko Yatra 2 March 2012
India needs ‘NonAlignment 2.0′, new policy report says
Warning that the time for India to get its act together is now because of the favourable growth prospects, demographic profile and international environment it faces — all of which may subsequently change — a group of foreign policy experts released a report here on Tuesday, NonAlignment 2.0: A...