Bhutan will be first country with expanded capital accounts

PM’s Thinley’s remarks at the Press Conference on February 10, 2012 while releasing the first Natural, Social, and Human Capital results of Bhutan’s New National Accounts Three decades after His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo made his now famous proclamation that “Gross National Happiness is more important that Gross...

Journalist union and its challenges

After years of tussle, the young media industry members in Bhutan finally got their trade unions. The Journalist Association of Bhutan (JAB) previously initiated by Gopilal Acharya has formally received new leadership on Tuesday. Pasang Dorji of The Bhutanese, a daily scheduled to be launched in later this month,...

Resettlement figure reaches 59,000

Here is the statement from US embassy in Kathmandu Today, January 30, 2012 the 50,000th Bhutanese refugee will depart for a new life in the United States. At about the same time, the number of this group to be resettled overseas overall will reach approximately 59,000. These two milestones...