RAW and Bhutan’s foreign relations

Around 8,000 sq km of land in northern border of the country was ceded to China some year back (during the reign of King Jigme Singye). Even after that Chinese presence in northern Bhutan did not go off. And this has sparked heated debate in Indian parliament. However, the...

The king and I

Karan Thapar I’ve no idea what particular Shangrila James Hilton had in mind when he wrote Lost Horizon. But if he had visited Bhutan I’d be prepared to bet this was his vision. Except Bhutan is not illusory and it’s not lost. If anything, it’s a magical horizon. And...

Additional pain to DNC

The judiciary in Bhutan is still under influences of the autocratic regime of the past upholding verdicts that are intended to crush all possible oppositions in the country. Few days before the death of freedom fighter Rongthong Kunley, his supporters in Bhutan, now serving jail sentence, have been given...