Saranarthi Sandesh of 05 October 2011

This episode of Saranarthi Sandesh of 05 October 2011 includes: – News related to Bhutanese in exile – Dashain preparation in camps – Dashain preparation in Diaspora...

King’s Driglam Namzha

For general public, in early and mid 1990s, national etiquette was like religion in Bhutan. Driglam Namzha was imposed in such a matter that it was the highest ethics and greatest responsibility of the people to obey – even while in farm. Many received fines for not obeying. Did...

Voice of Shangrila of 02 October 2011

Voice of Shangrila of 02 October 2011 includes: – News from Nepal – Nepal from Bhutan – News from India – Interview with Shantiram Dhakal on Navaratri and Dashain...

साताको समाचार नेपालीमा

Dzongkha Development Committee (DDC) ले प्रस्ताव गरे अनुसार जोंखा भाषा अध्यायनलाई उच्च माध्यामिक तहमा पनि मुख्य विषय बनाउने योजनालाई सरकारले यस साता स्वीकृत गरेको छ । समितिले पाँच महिना अघि सो प्रस्ताव सरकारलाई बुझाएको थियो । यस प्रस्ताव अनुसार विद्यार्थीले विश्वविद्यालयमा भर्ना पाउनका लागि जोंखा, अंग्रेजी र अरु दुइ...