Where Is My Right to Information?

By Pema Wangchuk On the outset, let me make clear to all the readers that whatever I write in WAB is my own and I am neither a grammar guru having graduated from Oxford nor a Cambridge aficionado. I am just a simple and budding writer having recently graduated...

Bhutan ties relation with Cuba!

I wake up this morning and astonished to see Sonam Ongmo writing in her blog breaking news from the UNGA premises. And this tip of American of Bhutanese origin, encouraged me to search more about Bhutan-Cuba relations. According to her, today, Bhutan and Cuba signed agreement to establish diplomatic...

Voice of Shangrila of 25 September 2011

Voice of Shangrila of 25 September 2011 includes: – News from Nepal – Nepal from Bhutan – Dashain greetings – Process to produce jamara – Info about live concert held on Saturday...

साताको समाचार नेपालीमा

गत साता आएको भुकम्पले भुटानमा निकै क्षति पुर्याsएको छ । पछिल्लो तथ्यांक अनुसार ६.९ रेक्टर स्केलको भुकम्पले भुटानमा १ जनाको ज्यान लिएको छ । त्यस्तै ३४००० घरहरु, १२ वटा जोङहरु, २२० वटा ऐतिहासिक भवनहरु र ९३ वटा शैक्षिक संस्थाहरुमा क्षति पुगेको छ । त्यस्तै १४० वटा सरकारी कार्यलयहरुमा क्षति...

Saranarthi Sandesh 23 Sept 2011

Saranarthi Sandesh of 23 September 2011 includes: – News related to Bhutan – News of exiled Bhutanese – Issue of unregistered exiled Bhutanese...

The Driglam Namzha story: Photo speaks

Driglam Namzha is national etiquette which the rulers say, everyone in the country has to abide by. These photos vividly reflect that the policy was designed especially as an instrument to create psychological torture on Hindus to abandon their religion and culture....