Saranarthi Sandesh 21 Sept 2011

Saranarthi Sandesh of 21 September 2011 includes: – Delay in distribution of relief materials in camps – News related to exiled Bhutanese – Remembering Bhutan...

RMA circulation and economic rights

A recent notice from Royal Monetary Authority (RMA) the national financial institutions regulator, reads that Bhutanese citizens are not permitted to open back account out of the country. Though the RMA did mention it was just a notice of reminder, it came as a result of increasing trend among...

Voice of Shangrila 18 September 2011

Voice of Shangrila 18 September 2011 includes: – News of Bhutan – News of Nepal – Sports News – Community Notices – New Nepali Songs...

साताको समाचार नेपालीमा

Constituency development grant (CDG) अर्थात निर्वाचन क्षेत्र विकास अनुदानलाई अब Royal Audit Authority ले लेखा परिक्षण गर्नेछ । हरेक बर्ष तल्लो सदन National Assembly का सदस्यहरुलाई आफ्नो क्षत्रको विकासका लागि भने २० लाख दिइन्छ । यसको दुरुपयोग भएको भन्दै खुब आलोचना भएको थियो । Auditor General ले यसै साता...

Bhab Shangrila 17 September 2011

In Bhab Shangrila 17 September 2011: Arjun Pradhan in MN talks to Bhakta Ghimire, chairman of Bhutan Literature Cuncil, on contemporary issues...