Thumbs up! Bhutan’s tiger conservation efforts

Earlier this year, Bhutan hosted international symposium to extensively discuss on threat posed on Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) due to exploitation of the forests by increasing human population. The wild cat is one on the list of WWF with possibility of extinction in near future. Bhutan, India’s northern...

Bhutan non-progressive on FDI

When India accepted Bhutan’s invitation to invest in its hydropower, this tiny Himalayan kingdom was overwhelmed and swiftly drafted foreign investment policy in hope that world will see it as land of opportunity for investment. Last year, the government unveiled a new Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policy which opened...

Internet disconnected me from my blog

Don’t blame only Asia for being backward in technologies and service deliveries. Despite being aware of the difficult terrain and land forms in our region and absence of capital, we South Asians feel our countries of being too much backward in technologies and services. A year in Australia, one...

साताको खबर नेपालीमा

भुटानीज एसोसिएन इन साउथ अष्ट्रेलियाको पहिलो साधारण सभा हिजो शनिबार दक्षिण अष्ट्रेलियाको राजधानी एडलेडमा सम्पन्न भएको छ । सभाले संविधान परिमार्जन गरी संस्थाको संरचनामा व्यापक परिवर्तन गरेको छ भने भुटानी बाहेकलाई पनि सदस्यता दिने निर्णय गरेको छ । साधारण सभाले इच्छा पौडेलको नेतृत्वमा निर्वाचन समिति गठन गरेको छ ।...