News 19 June 2011
News 19 June 2011...
LG election results
Election of the first local government in Bhutan has completed on June 27. Though few seats are still vacant, this exercise – the first in history, has made a little effort to allow citizens use their democratic rights. Here is the list of those elected. Click here to see...
साताको खबर नेपालीमा
थिम्पुको सर्विथाङमा निर्माणाधिन IT Park मा गत जुन २० मा तोडफोड भएको छ । पार्को २ पट्टीबाट छिरेको एक समुहले सुरक्षामा खटिएकालाई कब्जामा लिएर तोडफोड गरेको हो । बाबेसा ग्याङ नाम गरेको समुहले तोडफोड गरेको शंका सुरुमा गरिए पनि प्रहरीको खोजीले त्यहीका कामदारले त्यसो गरेको हुन सक्ने देखिएको छ...
The taxation politics
This is challenge not only for the smallest opposition in world but also to the country’s judiciary. The government has raised the vehicle import tax, which had to be withdrawn due to court order recently. Last year, the government had raised the import tax through cabinet which received set...
In one backyard, a growing gift
When Chris Yost moved into her east Charlotte home four years ago, she downsized in most every way. Her square footage was smaller. Her mortgage, too. Pretty much everything, she says, but the yard behind the house. It’s just under a half-acre back there, with a mix of natural...
Punya Foundation statement
Bhutanese refugees resettled in different western countries and those still living in Nepal, in memory of those who sacrificed their lives during the struggle for Human Rights and Democracy in Bhutan have established a charity based welfare forum called, Punya Foundation. Registered in Australia, the foundation operates with a...