The ambiguous state of the fourth estate
The private media sector is barely five years old. The notification from the MoIC concerning ad distribution based on circulation and the audit underway has raised not just eyebrows, but a feeling that the media is being prematurely judged The brouhaha encircling private media houses and the MoIC began...
Four private newspapers withdraw from circulation audit
The papers claim the draft advertisement policy, on which the audit is based, is not transparent and it threatens their survival Four private newspapers have withdrawn from the print media circulation audit on the grounds of dissatisfaction with the draft advertisement policy and also after their request for deferment...
My conviction and reality of Australian health expertise
Australia is regarded one of the best health service providers in world, most primary cost for most medical treatment being covered by Medicare. The country is also popular for medical studies. This helped medical students from Australia find job easily when they return to their country or travel to...
A real quest
Dear T Penjore, I am delighted to read your book Quest for Democracy – against all odds, the first book on Bhutan I read after migrating to Australia early last month. It helped me a lot to revive my passion for democracy and rather worked as a refresher in...
केटी माग्न जाँदा
रातभरी अनिद्राले सतायो । टाउको भनन घुमे जस्तो हुन्छ । बिहान चक्कर लागेर महेश हिन्न सकेन । कतिन पिए जस्तो गरी धङधङे लागेको छ । उसैलाई थाहा छैन, कारण । उ सधै सुत्ने कोठा पनि हैन, पलङ पनि । विरानो ठाउँमा छ । उसलाई कुनै रोग लागेको हैन, न...
First travel in Australia
My job in Nepal was limited to Kathmandu valley while I was there. Despite my interest to travel, I could not. It’s my passion to visit new places, see new things. So, the first thing I chose after being resettled in Australia was to visit places in Australia. I...