Zabto Lemi
Even after constitutionally guaranteeing that a person gets paid for his work, metal or physical. However, the government attitude has changed little over several decades. The traditional system of citizens contributing free labour for nation’s development, zabto lemi and gongda woola, is in place. It was there. It is...
Language in Bhutan
KATHMANDU, JUL 03 – After more than 40 years of uninterrupted efforts at state expense, the national language of Bhutan, Dzongkha, stands where it receives more hatred and avoidance from the citizens compared to English. Further development would only mean making it survive as a dialect in Bhutan. The...
PM backs direct to home TV
As disappointing as it may sound for cable operators, the DTH (direct to home television) is here to stay and it has the support of none other than the prime minister of the country. “DTH must be allowed and has to be allowed,” said Lyonchen Jigmi Y. Thinley during...
BBSC mandate to be reviewed
Public Accounts Committee Report 5 June, 2010 – The government will review the mandate of Bhutan Broadcasting Service corporation (BBSC) and look into ways to support the corporation. This was the outcome of the parliament discussions yesterday after the public accounts committee presented its report. The chairperson of the...
the ad bomb
The government’s draft advertisment policies will police news content and stifle the Bhutanese media that supports around 1,000 families Two brand new advertisement policies, one by the communication ministry and the other by the finance ministry, could threaten the existence of most media houses and allow government to dictate...
digital ministers go videogenic
In about two weeks, all ministers will be able to sit on their rotating chairs and attend any meeting among themselves without having to move out of their offices, thanks to videoconferencing. “It will be done in the next two to three weeks,” said Karma Wangdi, head of the...