डायोस्पोरामा महाकवि देवकोटाको शतवार्षिकी कार्यक्रम मनाइने

२१ सेप्टेम्बर, वासिङ्टन डि सि, अमेरिका अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय नेपाली साहित्य समाज (अनेसास) ले महाकवि लक्ष्मीप्रसाद देवकोटाको शतवार्षिकी समारोहको अवसरमा अक्टोबर महिनाभरी विश्वभर विभिन्न कार्यक्रमका साथ मनाउने भएको छ । महाकविको संझनामा विविध साहित्यिक कार्यक्रम, अन्तर्क्रिया, वक्तृत्वकला प्रतियोगिता, प्रवचन, सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम, झाँकी, ¥याली, प्रभात फेरी, पत्रिकाको देवकोटा विशेषांक प्रकाशन, चित्रकला प्रदर्शनी,...

Risk of revolt in refugee camps on the border between Bhutan and Nepal

The plight of the over 120 thousand Bhutanese exiles in Nepal has led to the emergence of Maoist groups in refugee camps. Indian sources raise the possibility of an armed insurrection in the coming months. Meanwhile, the Bhutanese government promises by year’s end better conditions for the Nepalese minority....

Bhutan shifts from white gold to yellow gold

The lap of Himalayas may be curse for agricultural society but a boon if possibilities are searched for mineral extraction. For centuries this part of the world remained untouched from any exploitation. Fortunately and hopefully, the Himalayas could be the last resort of human search for precious metals. Being...

Thai livestock delegation in Thimphu

Minister Gyamtsho with Dr. Limlamthong, Director General of DLD   A delegation of Department of Livestock Development, Bangkok including Dr. Yukol Limlamthong, Director General; Dr. Nirundorn Aungtragoolsuk, Director; Dr. Photchana Sakrasaer, Veterinary Officer; Dr. Cherdchai Thiratinrat, Director along with four other Senior Veterinary Officers, Dr. Wongkwan Jitnupong, Dr. Pornpen...

Cricket fever in Punakha

The students of Ugyen Academy in Punakha take time off from books to get enriched with cricket skills. Bhutan’s National Coaching Co-ordinator Damber Singh Gurung is providing them lessons on cricket....

The story of civil disobedience

Mass gathering in moral sense seems to be a challenge for Bhutanese rulers – be it for any cause. Political gathering is most dangerous. Things have not changed much though mere announcements and procedures show the country has changed from absolute monarchy to a parliamentary democracy. Yet mind set...