RBP – defence force, civil department or corporation?
The parliamentary discussion on the police bill and decisions thereof left me in a state of confusion. I would like to put forward my quandary in the following areas for public opinion. Administrative controlThe parliamentary decision was to maintain it with the Ministry of Home Affairs but my own...
प्रस्ताव गैरआवासीय भुटानी संघको
आईपी अधिकारी शरणार्थीका रुपमा दुइ दशक नेपाल बस्दा भुटानीले आपmनो राष्ट्रियता भुटानी नै लेखे । आफू भुटानी नै भएको दोहोर्याए, नेपाली भनेनन् । खुशीको कुरो के पनि हो भने नेपाल नागरिकले पनि हामीलाई नेपाली भनेनन्, बरु भुटानकै भएर बाच्ने प्रेरणा दिए, भलै होस त्यो कष्टपूर्ण र छटपटीपूर्ण जीवनशैलीको एउटा...
Parliament’s diminishing marginal effeciency
As in the past, the parliamentary debates in the third session of the first elected parliament ended without any substance in hand in terms of making contribution to strengthening democracy. The king addressing the closing ceremony (July 30) said the Houses made good progress towards democracy and fulfilled their...
Royal Address at the Concluding Ceremony of the 3rd Session of Parliament
July 30, 2009 – On the occasion of the concluding ceremony of the 3rd session of Parliament, I congratulate the elected government of the Druk Phuensum Tshokpa on the completion of one year and four months in office. In these early days of a new political system while bearing...
Dreams are not always true
When resettlement started in February 2008, most exiled Bhutanese had expected their life to be luxurious with clear destiny in the new homes they are flying to in the western countries. Though offer for resettlement initially brought some irksome response from the refugee community, in later days, it was...
Misconception of democracy in Bhutan
This is how the democracy in this newest democracy is functioning – if you read the recent statement by Prime Minister Jigmi Y. Thinley at the National Council gathering in Thimphu. According to him, no laws have mentioned that ministers have to attend question-answer hour at the upper house....