An able coordinator, but will PM Nepal be able to deliver?
Madhav Kumar Nepal had been projected as the prime ministerial candidate on several occasions in the past, but never made it. Now, rather unexpectedly, political events have gone in his favour and he is the Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal. This 56-year-old former general secretary...
Phuensumgang CPS – The school of hard knocks
Senior citizens and children alike suffer and sacrifice at the altar of education 14 April, 2009 – A six-hour climb from Bhurchu, about 94 km away from Dagana proper, up on a hill, is Phuensumgang community primary school. Except for the Lajab gewog office, RNR centre and BHU, there...
Frog marriage: believe it or not
The traditions live through generation, no matter who believes it or not. Beliefs sometimes are helpful for public welfare though many call it old thoughts having no substance to believe. This is science driven society, and since religious texts and traditions are not transcended without being explained, they are...
A political festival of literature
Hopes were high and energies were full when I received an invitation from Ajeet Caur, an imminent writer of India, to participate in the SAARC festival of literature in the city of Taj Mahal, Agra. Literature and culture bind the societies in South Asia and its beauty lies at...
Mind your business
Krishna felt tired and cold when he opened his eyes. To his surprise, he found himself somewhere in wonderland that he never imagined. Near a stream, under a bush and between the boulders. For hours he had been unconscious. As he stood up to sit, there were no clothes...
Bhutanese definition of human rights
In less than a year they adopted the democratic pattern of governance, which was in demand since 1950 in this country, the ‘experts’ who dined under the absolute rule of monarchy have defined what human rights is called in their terms. Not awesome than usual twittering, these ‘experts’ said...