Revised Indo-Bhutan treaty fails to touch on refugee issue

As ever, the hopes of Bhutanese refugees living in Nepal have been shattered when their issues did not surface during the visit of Bhutan’s new King Jigme Khesar to India. For Bhutan, most important of achievements of the first formal foreign visit of new Druk monarch, which concluded on...

Year 2006: From despotism to democracy

Year 2006 will remain a landmark year in the modern history of Nepal . The year started with the continuation of royal dictatorship, then a major political uprising and subsequently a historic democratic change that brought the decade-long Maoist insurgency to an end. It was in Year 2006 that...

Rehabilitation of children used in war is no minor issue

While signing the peace agreement, the government and the Maoist had expressed commitment to rehabilitate the conflict-affected children back into their families and the society. However, months have passed but no practical efforts have been made to identify, rescue and integrate the children who were used by the Maoists...

Abandoned IEDs and Landmines: Citizens’ lives still at risk

Even as the peace process in the country moves ahead quite smoothly, the government and the Maoists seem to have overlooked the problem caused by landmines and other explosives left carelessly by the rebels and the security forces. There have been calls from several national and international groups in...

Peace Icon on the show

Peace is indispensable for progress of human society, no matter if some take up arms for change and equality. Arms and violence bring destruction, hatred, detestation, abhorrence, cruelty but peace inculcates love, brotherhood, fraternity, cooperation and progress. In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr proved that change is possible through...

Nepali theatre: Good times lie ahead

Politicians are good at covering up the truth by means of political rhetoric, and the media sometimes are ready to feed the propaganda of politicians against truth-seekers. The Deshdrohi (traitor) performed by RITWIK theatre group from Baharampur, India, at Gurukul on Friday makes similar conclusions, portraying the unique character...