From Bhutan to the Goulburn Murray

Teju Chouhan takes you on his journey as an asylum seeker from Bhutan to Albury Wodonga. As a child, Teju Chouhan was forced to flee his home in Bhutan due to ethnic persecution. For the next 18 years Teju and his family struggled to survive in a Nepalese refugee...

Getting ready for general elections 2013

By Dr. S. Chandrasekharan It is no surprise that Bhutan has been named as the most peaceful and stable country in the South Asian region by one of the NGOs. It is no surprise either that Nepal was placed next to Bhutan in that index. One would have expected...

Superpower or super-problems

ECONOMISTS predict China will overtake the US to become the world’s largest economy by mid this century, if its unprecedented growth continues with the same pace as in last few decades. Alongside the economic boom, questions have also been raised as to whether this prosperity has reached the citizens...

Journalism in the Age of Internet

Four-Day Basic Course: Journalists live or die by their sources is one of the basic principles every student is reminded of, as they walk into their journalism classes. This dictum was further emphasised during the ongoing four-day basic journalism course the Bhutan Media Foundation is conducting for reporters from...