China, India and a country ‘in between’

By Kinley Tshering Professor of international relations and an expert on China-India relations at Westminster University in London, UK, Professor Dr. Dibyesh Anand gave a critical perspective on Bhutan’s relations with its giant neighbors, India and China, at a CBS forum British and the Duar wars The 1864 Duar...

Wish to be monarch again

After six years he surrendered his power to the political parties, former king of Nepal Gyanendra Shah has finally come out to speak his wishes – that he wants to be reinstated as monarch of the country but with purely ceremonial role. In an exclusive interview with local TV...

Soldier killed, another injured

Militant Ambush: A soldier of the royal Bhutan army was killed and another injured last morning, when unknown militants ambushed a regular RBA patrol team near their outpost in Gawaithang in the south central border district of Sarpang. According to Sarpang dzongkhag officials, the incident occurred at around 6:20am,...

Yuba Sansar 8 July 2012

This episode contains: Yuba Gatibidhi Bhutan history Interview with Adelaide Dragon FC caption Information about upcoming event Bhanu Jayanti Tips – health...

कोठे कवि गोष्ठी – South Australia

Initiated by Prakash Dhamala, writers and those interested in literature gathered for the first time in Adelaide to share their creations and dedicate themselves more for promotion of Nepali literature. They committed to get together at least once a month. This is the first episode.  ...

Members press for progress

Q&A : With the census issue still unresolved, people without one not only face difficulties in pursuing higher studies, renewing licenses, travelling outside the country and transacting land, but also lose out on other opportunities like employment, economic and health treatment outside. Parliament member from Gelephu, Prem Kumar Gurung,...