त्यो परि

कालो मैलो वरपर अनी पाल त्रीपाल कालो बाँस्का भाटा सबतिर छिरी बल्दथ्यो त्यो दियालो पानी पर्दा सब खलललै बग्थ्यो ओछ्यान भित्र साँझै पर्दा जुन टह टही पस्दथ्यो छ्यान भित्र भाटाका ती थिए कुटी अनी बाँसकै ती मकान लेख्ने पढ्ने अनि टसक बस्ने बाँसकै भो त काम यस्तै बाँस बिच...

Employment, social security and Joe Hockey

One of the least debated issues about Liberal budget this year in Australia was about the government’s devious pressure for social security beneficiaries to return to workforce. Many will be loosing their government support outright while others will do in near future if they failed to adequately make efforts...

Females perform better

This week, Australian research institute Centre for Gender Economics and Innovation (C4GEi) and Infinitas Asset Management released a report that particularly drew my interest. This is all about performance indicators and female participation. From the time I got involved with Save the Children in 1997, I always advocated against...


Of the many issues debated most by Bhutanese in exile, without any conclusion, could probably is the identity. Who are they and where they belong? When we entered into Nepalese soil as refugee, the only identity was Bhutanese, followed by ‘Bhutanese of Nepali origin’. This identity remained widely used...