UN’s resolution on happiness
Adopting a second draft resolution, titled “Happiness: towards a holistic approach to development”, the Assembly invited Member States to pursue public policy steps that would better capture the importance of pursuing happiness and well-being in development. It also welcomed Bhutan’s offer to hold a panel discussion on the theme...
Crime and the city
Last night, a Kuensel intern was attacked on the staircase of the building she was staying at Olakha. She was on her way home from office. The attackers, two of them, strangled her and tried to snatch the laptop she was carrying in her backpack. Fortunately, her taekwando skills...
Bhutan bulldozes UNHCR
The latest revelation from UNHCR reads news about resettlement of Bhutanese refugees in seven western countries to have reached almost 49,000. For UNHCR this seems to be a glory, great achievement. Out of 48,763 resettled so far, 40,971 Bhutanese have chosen United States as their new home followed by...
The UN and Bhutan government has launched an ICT capacity development programme through an academy to boost the ICT skills of the government officials in Himalayan kingdom. The United Nations Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (UN-APCICT/ESCAP), with the support of Bhutan’s Ministry...
News 17 July 2011
News 17 July 2011...
साताको खबर नेपालीमा
गत महिना निर्वाचित स्थानीय निकाय मध्ये गप अर्थात मण्डलहरुलाई राजा तथा प्रधान मन्त्रिले राजधानी थिम्पुमा भेटेका छन् । तीन घण्टे सुझाव भाषणमा प्रधान मन्त्रि थिन्लेले मण्डलहरुलाई जनताको सेवक भएर काम गर्नु भने । जनताले दिएको विश्वासमा तुषारापात भए कुनै अपराध नभए पनि व्यक्तिगत रुपमा उनीहरुको सबैभन्दा ठूलो असफलता हुने...