Tag: development

Microsoft to come to Bhutan!

Technology is the cutting edge instrument for economic and social progress at this stage. That’s what Bhutan envisioned for while developing the Thimphu IT Park. The government had announced to make Bhutan a techno hub in the region. But, for years, the response from IT companies looked lukewarm. Bhutan...

RTM and silent Diaspora

The first Round Table Meeting of the Bhutanese donors since the beginning of resettlement process is scheduled for Thursday and Friday in Thimphu. This is also the first RTM held by an elected government in Bhutan. UNDP is coordinating the event where some 40 development partners of the country...

साताको खबर नेपालीमा

गत महिना निर्वाचित स्थानीय निकाय मध्ये गप अर्थात मण्डलहरुलाई राजा तथा प्रधान मन्त्रिले राजधानी थिम्पुमा भेटेका छन् । तीन घण्टे सुझाव भाषणमा प्रधान मन्त्रि थिन्लेले मण्डलहरुलाई जनताको सेवक भएर काम गर्नु भने । जनताले दिएको विश्वासमा तुषारापात भए कुनै अपराध नभए पनि व्यक्तिगत रुपमा उनीहरुको सबैभन्दा ठूलो असफलता हुने...